ISSN (O) : 2584-1378


A manuscript must go through a double-blind peer review procedure before it can be submitted for publication. In the following order, all contributions will be forwarded to the editors:

Managing Associate ® Junior Editor ® Editor® Peer Review ® Editorial Board Review.

The reports of the Editors will determine whether or not to publish the Manuscript.

If any of the editors reject the manuscript, it will not be accepted for editorial review. If the editors accept the article, the Editorial Board will evaluate it in its entirety.

If the paper is accepted following peer review, it will be forwarded for a final editorial review procedure. The paper won’t be forwarded for editorial review if it is rejected during the peer review process.

After the final Editorial Process, if the manuscript is accepted, the manuscript will be published.

If there are alterations or changes suggested by the Board, the author(s) will be notified through mail by the official mail ID of the journal and only after the necessary and suggested changes are made, the article shall be published in the journal.

The article is then copyedited and proofread to ensure that it meets the journal’s style and formatting requirements.

The article is published in the journal’s next available issue.

 Overall, the editorial review process of a legal journal is designed to ensure that only high-quality, relevant, and original articles are published. It involves multiple stages of review and feedback, and requires a significant amount of time and effort from both authors and editors.

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