ISSN (O) : 2584-1378


Attention, all eagles of law! Have you ever wondered who the brains behind your favourite legal journal’s excellent articles and thought-provoking ideas are? The editorial board is the only place to turn!

The editorial board, made up of distinguished judges, lawyers, and academics, is the foundation of any respected legal journal. Only the most perceptive and thoroughly researched works are chosen for publication after these great minds carefully review innumerable submissions.

Their effort doesn’t end there, though! Additionally, the editorial board offers helpful criticism to authors, assisting them in honing their points and ensuring that every piece is of the greatest calibre.

So the next time you’re reading through the pages of your favourite legal publication, stop to recognise the editorial board’s effort and commitment. They are the unsung heroes of the legal profession, and we are fortunate to have them influencing discourse and advancing the field of legal knowledge.

The Axis Juris International Journal seeks to publish academic works of the best possible calibre. The Journal is a student-run organisation that has a staff and an editorial board. The student editors and staff members choose articles authored by specialists on a range of legal subjects and then put them through an editing procedure before publishing them.

As staff members, students not only correct the citations in the chosen articles but also write a remark that addresses a current legal topic that interests them. The next academic year, these remarks may be published in Axis Juris International Journal issues.

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