ISSN (O) : 2584-1378


AUTHOR’S NAME : Kummari Mounika
UNIVERSITY - Dr.B.R. Ambedkar College Of Law, Andhra University, Andhra Pradesh



The Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA), 1967, is a legislation enacted by the Indian government with the primary objective of preventing unlawful activities and associations in India. Over the years, the UAPA has been amended multiple times to address emerging threats to the nation’s security, particularly from terrorist activities. However, it is crucial to understand that the scope of the UAPA is not confined solely to terrorism; it encompasses a broader range of activities deemed unlawful and against the sovereignty and integrity of India.


The UAPA was introduced in 1967 to provide for the effective prevention of certain unlawful activities of individuals and associations. Initially, it was primarily focused on curbing secessionist movements and maintaining the sovereignty and integrity of India. Over the decades, the Act has undergone significant amendments to address the evolving nature of threats, including terrorism.The major amendments in 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2019 have expanded the scope of the Act. The 2004 amendment, in particular, included provisions from the repealed Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA), thereby broadening the definition of “terrorist acts” and expanding the investigative powers of authorities. Subsequent amendments have further reinforced the legal framework for combating terrorism and other unlawful activities.


The UAPA defines “unlawful activity” in a comprehensive manner. According to Section 2(o) of the Act, unlawful activity refers to any action taken by an individual or association intended to disrupt the sovereignty and territorial integrity of India or cause disaffection against India.

The Act also provides the power to declare associations as unlawful (Section 3), empowers the central government to declare an individual as a terrorist (Section 35), and prescribes stringent punishment for individuals and groups involved in terrorist activities (Chapter IV). The Act also extends to various offenses, including fund-raising for terrorist activities, organizing terrorist training camps, and harboring terrorists.


While the UAPA is often associated with counter-terrorism, its scope is significantly broader. The Act encompasses any activity that threatens the sovereignty, unity, and integrity of India. This includes a range of actions and expressions that the government deems as posing a threat to national security, public order, and the security of the state.


Several judicial pronouncements have highlighted the wide applicability of the UAPA beyond terrorism. Here, we discuss some landmark cases that illustrate the diverse use of the Act.

  1. Kedar Nath Singh v. State of Bihar (1962):

Though predating the UAPA, this landmark case laid down important principles regarding sedition, which is closely related to unlawful activities. The Supreme Court held that only activities involving incitement to violence or intention to create public disorder would fall within the scope of sedition. This principle also guides the interpretation of “unlawful activities” under the UAPA.

  1. Arup Bhuyan v. State of Assam (2011):

In this case, the Supreme Court addressed the issue of membership in a banned organization. The Court held that mere membership in a banned organization, without any involvement in violence or incitement to violence, cannot be grounds for conviction. This judgment underscores the necessity of demonstrating active participation in unlawful activities for prosecution under the UAPA.

  1. State of Maharashtra v. Dhananjay Desai (2018):

In this case, the Bombay High Court considered the application of the UAPA to communal violence. The Court emphasized that the UAPA could be invoked in instances of large-scale violence intended to terrorize a section of society, even if not directly linked to terrorist groups. This case highlights the Act’s utility in addressing various forms of organized violence.


Despite its intended purpose, the UAPA has faced significant criticism for its potential misuse and the broad powers it grants to law enforcement agencies. Critics argue that the Act’s vague definitions and stringent provisions can lead to the suppression of dissent and curtailment of fundamental rights.

  1. Ambiguity and Vague Definitions:

One of the primary criticisms of the UAPA is the ambiguity in its definitions. Terms like “unlawful activity” and “terrorist act” are broadly defined, potentially encompassing a wide range of activities and expressions. This lack of precision can lead to arbitrary enforcement and misuse against political opponents, activists, and dissenters.

  1. Stringent Bail Provisions:

The UAPA includes stringent bail provisions, making it challenging for the accused to secure bail. Under Section 43D(5), bail can be denied if the court finds reasonable grounds for believing the accusations against the individual are prima facie true. This provision places a heavy burden on the accused and has been criticized for undermining the presumption of innocence.

  1. Prolonged Detention:

The Act allows for prolonged detention without charge, raising concerns about potential human rights violations. Individuals can be detained for up to 180 days without the filing of a charge sheet, significantly longer than the standard period under general criminal law. This has led to concerns about the misuse of preventive detention powers.

  1. Potential for Misuse:

There have been instances where the UAPA has been invoked against activists, journalists, and individuals participating in protests. Critics argue that the Act is sometimes used as a tool to suppress dissent and stifle freedom of expression. High-profile cases like the arrest of activists in the Bhima Koregaon case have brought these concerns to the forefront.


The UAPA represents a delicate balance between ensuring national security and upholding civil liberties. While the Act aims to protect the sovereignty and integrity of India, it is essential to ensure that its implementation does not infringe upon fundamental rights.


The judiciary plays a crucial role in safeguarding civil liberties while interpreting and applying the provisions of the UAPA. Courts have emphasized the need for a careful examination of evidence and the necessity of proving active participation in unlawful activities.

  1. Union of India v. K.A. Najeeb (2021):

In this case, the Supreme Court granted bail to the accused, emphasizing that prolonged incarceration without trial impinges on personal liberty. The Court highlighted the importance of balancing individual rights with national security concerns, underscoring the need for timely trials.

  1. Maulana Abdul Aziz v. NIA (2014):

The Delhi High Court, in this case, stressed the need for a thorough and independent investigation to ensure that charges under the UAPA are not based on flimsy evidence. The Court emphasized the importance of protecting individuals from arbitrary detention and ensuring that the Act is not misused for political purposes.


The Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967, is a critical piece of legislation designed to protect India’s sovereignty and integrity from various threats, including but not limited to terrorism. While its primary focus is on countering terrorism, the Act’s scope extends to a wide range of unlawful activities that pose a threat to national security and public order. Judicial interpretations and case law have reinforced the broad applicability of the UAPA, highlighting its utility in addressing diverse forms of organized violence and unlawful activities. However, the Act has also faced significant criticism for its potential misuse and the broad powers it grants to law enforcement agencies.To ensure that the UAPA effectively serves its purpose without infringing upon fundamental rights, it is essential to maintain a careful balance between national security and civil liberties. Judicial safeguards and thorough scrutiny of evidence are crucial in preventing the misuse of the Act and protecting individuals from arbitrary detention.Ultimately, the validity and effectiveness of the UAPA depend on its judicious application, guided by the principles of justice, fairness, and respect for human rights. As India continues to grapple with evolving security challenges, it is imperative to ensure that the UAPA remains a robust yet fair tool for safeguarding the nation’s sovereignty and integrity.

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